SoundCloud Feeds

Nowadays, the majority of our audio resources are provided via Soundcloud. Select any of the options below to view a list of available resources in a separate window:

Online Videos

During the Covid lockdown, the majority of our meetings were broadcast online* via one or both of Facebook Live or YouTube. Select one of the options below to see what is available:

* Most of these videos include a run-in lasting up to 15 minutes before the meeting gets under way. We suggest using the slider control on the progress bar to skip this portion.

** Live feeds are liable to suffer from intrinsic defects caused by network congestion during recording and upload. Such issues were commonplace during the Covid shutdown, and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience. If playback freezes for more than a few seconds, we suggest manually moving the slider on the progress bar to skip the damaged portion.


Resource files from between 2017 and 2018 are archived on this site, and can be accessed from our Archives page.

To configure your live video notifications, click this icon, then select the ‘…’ menu button and choose ‘Follow Settings.’